Your compelling content and copywriting services.

If you already have a clear content marketing plan and need creative and compelling content, take a look at some of my copywriting services then fill in my briefing template and tell me more about your brand values, products, services, target audience, competitors and business goals (you can download it for free) and email it to me now.

General Copywriting Services

Authority (Lead Magnet)

The undeniable CORE content of your marketing strategy, positioning you as an industry thinker/influencer. Helping differentiate you from the crowd with convincing published articles, print books and e-books. The lead-magnets to attract potential clients.


Beguiling short and long form blog articles to capture your audience’s attention, give exceptional value in the generous advice and information you offer, turning casual visitors into raving fans.

Direct Mail

Persuasive long form sales letters that ‘speak’ to your target audience, with irresistible calls to action encouraging a scramble for your products and services.

Email and e-newsletter copy

Enthralling emails and e-newsletters for building relationships and keeping in touch with your clients; convincing direct response email content, autoresponder series with compelling calls to action. Some examples:


  • Teaser email – A short email designed to drive the readers to a microsite or long-copy landing page where they can order the product. The online equivalent of a ½ – 1 page sales letter.
  • Lead Generation email – Similar to the teaser email but the purpose is to drive the readers to a landing page or transaction page where they can request a free white paper or other information product.
  • Long-copy email – An email designed to sell a product directly by driving the recipient to a landing page. The online equivalent of a 2-4 page sales letter.


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